

The best TEMPURA in Tokyo


Today, I introduce you my favorite Tempura shop in Tokyo.

★This is ” Kanekohannosuke “.

There’re 2shops the same name Tempurashop in this area.

One is the Donburi-style, and the other one is not Donbri-style named “KANEKOHANNOSUKE TEMPRAMESHI”(TEMPRAMESHI mean Tempura & Rice)

I like both but want to recommend more is the latter.

So many times I came here to eat Tempurameshi!!

Usually, Tempura is bit expencive in Tokyo. Other Tempura shop takes about  over¥2,000.

But here is cost only ¥1,080~1,480 !! Plus…Sooooo delicious!!

And It has unique style serving.

Inside the shop

kanekohannosuke temprameshi inside the store

★Open kichen and L-counter.

You can see that chefs are coocking infront of you.

And you can eat free Appetizers while waiting serve.(Black & Red & White bottle one !)

It’s Japanese style appetizer, so Let’s try them !!

Kanekohannosuke Tempura appetizer

Serve Tempura divide 2times

Serve Tempura divide 2times

★I ordered “Tempurameshi ¥1,080”, and It is served in two times(part?).

So you can eat piping hot Tempura!!

You must put Tempura in Sourse plenty. Best much with Rice !!

The First plate

Kanekohannosuke Tempura The First plate

The first plate like that. If you don’t like something, tell it when you order and you will be able to change to other vegetables.(Eggplant, Pumpkin, Bean etc)

How to eat a soft Egg

How to the best eat soft Egg

★The best way to eat like put Egg on rice, and then put sauce & pepper!!

If you foregner, You’ve never eat like that but…I want you to eat like that, that’s really nice!! 

※Japanese Eggs are fresh, safety and good nutritive. It able to eat raw. Every Japanese likes raw eggs!! Let’s try it !!

The second plate

Kanekohannosuke Tempura The second plate

The second plate like that. Each one is tasty but most like one is  a “Chiken with Shiso”.

Shiso is  a Scented leaves, every Japanese like it but… I don’t know how abroader feel them.

Only 3kinds of menu

Kanekohannosuke Tempura Menu

★You can choose one three of them (Conger-fishTempuramesh, ShrimpTempurameshi or Tempurameshi).

And if you want to more eat, you can order extra templa !!  

Serve Hot Blackbeen tea with it. and maybe, water is free.

If you want to drink another, you’ll order each drink refer to under Drink menu !!

・Conger-fish Tempurameshi ¥1480 穴子の天ぷらめし

Conger-fish, Shrimp, Mixed-Tempura of Squid, Chiken, Egg, 

Pumpkin, Eggplant, Maitake-mashroom, Bean

・Shrimp Tempurameshi ¥1380 海老の天ぷらめし

Shrimp 4pcs,  Mixed-Tempura of Squid, Chiken, Egg, Pumpkin, Maitake-mashroom

・Tempurameshi¥980 天ぷらめし

Shrimp, White-fish(Gurnard-fish), Mixed-Tempura of Squid(and other), Chiken, Egg, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Maitake-mashroom, Bean

・Extra Tempurra

  • ¥580 Congre-fish 穴子
  • each ¥180  Shrimp 海老、 Mixed-Tempura of Squid かき揚げ、  Chiken かしわ、 White-fish(Gurnard-fish) ホウボウ 
  • each ¥150  Egg 卵、Pumpkin かぼちゃ、Eggplant 茄子、Maitake-mashroom 舞茸、 Bean インゲン


  • Beer ¥550  ビール
  • Lemon sour ¥450  レモンサワー

・Other Drink

  • Non alcohol beer ¥450  ノンアルコールビール
  • Black Chinese tea ¥300  黒烏龍茶
  • Orange juice ¥300  オレンジジュース

Kanekohannosuke Tempurameshi 

 In the end, Access to the Kanekohannosuke.

There is near the Tokyo station but You must on the train and need to transfer, so it might be bit difficult.

★Directions Tokyo sta. to Kanekohannosuke. 
①Take the JR Chuo-line at “Tokyo” station.
②Get off the next station “Kanda”.
③Transfer Metro Ginza-line and take it.
④Get off the next station “Mitsukoshimae”
⑤Exit “A1”.
⑥about 7min on foot to Kanekohannosuke.

The nearest station is “Mitsukoshimae-station”←Metro Ginza-line.

So you have to aim the station. And then, refer to the map.

1-11-15, Muromachi Nihonbashi, Chuoh-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Be ceaful when you’ll ask people !! 

 If you’ll ask the place when you’ll must say,

“Kanekohannosuke no Tempurameshi “.

Because There are Two Kanekohannosuke in this area,more famous is just “Kanekohannosuke” and it Donburi style(¥980). 

tendon kanekohannosuke

This is great too, BUT there are really small seat and shared table.

Plus, the stuffs are unkind..( The reason why  The shop is really famous, super busy !!)

“Kanekohannosuke no Tempurameshi” aren’t much known.

So even If you’ll  wait less than 30min.(“Kanekohannnosuke” waiting is usually over 1hour !!)

So I recomend strongly “Kanekohannosuke no Tempurameshi” !!

Wait in line

Wait in line

★If there have a line, please wait in line.(You don’t have to tell something to stuff)

The staff sometimes comes out to check the line. When you tell them number of people.

The tea in the pot outside is free!

↓This is the fomal HP in English

If you’ll come to Tokyo Japan, Let’s try Tempura !!

See you next time! Sayonara